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Buy Business

Click Buy a Business in the menu, you can find out all the businesses for sale.

To find a right business, search by location, industry, price, age of listing, source etc. Businesses can be sorted according to the publish date, price, revenue, profit, etc. Alternatively, search the keyword to find it.

Contact Seller

You can contact the seller by submitting enquiry online. System will forward yor enquiry immediately to the seller.

Alternatively, join the Premium Buyer to get the owner contact, and call, message or email them directly. Click Here to join the Premium Buyer.

Seller No Response

Although most sellers will respond to your enquiries quickly, some can be slow to reply because:

Post Business Wanted

If you are not able to find the right business that meet your requirement, try to post a business wanted listing. Any business owner matching the criteria will contact you.

Only registered user can post the business wanted listing. After login, click the Businesses Wanted drop down menu, and select Post a Business Wanted.

For paid business listing, it will show on the website after payment is confirmed. For Limted Trial listing, our staff will review and get back to you within one working day.

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